Liste des publications scientifiques du Centre Gamma Knife de l’ULB


Articles en Français

Radiochirurgie par Gamma Knife
N. Massager.
Article (PDF)

Le centre de radiochirurgie par Gamma Knife fête ses 10 ans d'activité
N. Massager, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s3-s4.
Abstract           Article (PDF)

Billan de 10 années d'activité clinique du centre de radiochirurgie cérébrale par Gamma Knife de l'ULB
N. Massager, D. Devriendt, F. Desmedt, A. Wagner, F. Schoovaerts, R. Kamouni, E. Rios, D. Dumont, C Watty, V. 'Tfelt, P. David, S. Simon , P. Van Houte, O. De Witte, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s5-s11.
Abstract           Article (PDF)

Radiochirurgie par Gamma Knife: le role de l'imagrie
P. David, N. Sadeghi, B. Lubicz, P. Jissendi, S. Goldman, I. Delpierre, C. Neugroschl, D. Balériaux, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s13-s16
Abstract           Article (PDF)

Métastases cérébrales: revue de la littérature
D. Devriendt, N. Massager,  Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s17-s21.
Abstract           Article (PDF)

Métastases cérébrales et radiochirurgie: quels sont les patients qui ont le plus survies?
D. Devriendt, N. Massager,  Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s22-s28.
Abstract           Article (PDF)

Indications et résultats du traitement radiochirurgical par Gamma Knife des schwannomes vestibulaires
N. Massager, D. Devriendt, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s29-s36.
Abstract           Article (PDF)
Indications et résultas du traitement radisochirurgical par Gamma Knife des méningiomes intracrâniens
N. Massager, D. Devriendt, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s37-s45.
Abstract         Article (PDF)

Indications et résultas du traitement radisochirurgical par Gamma Knife des malformations artério-veineuses cérébrales
N. Massager, D. Devriendt, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s46-s52.
Abstract          Article (PDF)
Indications et résultas du traitement radisochirurgical par Gamma Knife des adénomes hypophysaires
N. Massager, D. Devriendt, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s53-s60.
Abstract          Article (PDF)

Indications et résultas du traitement radisochirurgical par Gamma Knife de la névralgie du trijumeau
N. Massager, D. Devriendt, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s61-s65.
Adstract          Article (PDF)

Indications rares du traitement radisochirurgical par Gamma Knife
N. Massager, D. Devriendt, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s66-s74.
Abstract          Article (PDF)

Traveau expérimenteaux réalisés au centre de Radiochirurgie cérébrale par Gamma Knife de l'U.L.B.
N. Massager, J. Lorenzoni, Revue Médicale de Bruxelles 2009; 3O (Suppl 5): pp s75-s79.
Abstract          Article (PDF)

Influence de la distribution de dose d’irradiation dans la variation de l’effet radiobiologique du traitement radiochirurgical par Gamma Knife
Thèse du Pr. N. Massager.
Articles en Anglais


Observations on intracranial neoplasms treated with gamma knife radiosurgery
Szeifert GT, Massager N, Devriendt D, David P, Desmedt F, Rorive S, Salmon I, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
J Neurosurg 2002; 97 (Suppl 5): pp 623-626.

Morphological redifferentiation in a malignant astrocytic tumor after gamma knife radiosurgery
Szeifert GT, Massager N, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
J Neurosurg 2002; 97 (Suppl 5): pp 627-630.

Does gamma knife surgery stimulate cellular immune response to metastatic brain tumors? A histopathological and immunohistochemical study
Szeifert G, Salmon I, Rorive S, Massager N, Devriendt D, Simon S, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
J Neurosurg 2005 Jan; 102 (Suppl1): 180-184.

Pathological Findings following Trigeminal Neuralgia Radiosurgery
Szeifert GT, Salmon I, Lorenzoni J, Massager N, Levivier M.
Prog Neurol Surg 2007 ; 20: 244-248.

Influence of dose inhomogeneity inside the target volume on the histological response after experimental Gamma Knife radiosurgery in the rat striatum 
Nicolas Massager, M.D., Calliope Maris, M.D., Ouzi Nissim, M.D., Laurence Abeloos, M.D., Marc Levivier, M.D., Ph.D., Isabelle Salmon, M.D., Ph.D. IJROBP (submitte).

Experimental Analysis of Radiation dose Distribution in Radiosurgery, Part I: Dose Host spot inside Target Volume
Massager N., Maris O., Devriendt D., Saimon I., Levivier M.
stereotact. Funct. Neurosurg. 2009; 87: 82-87.

Experimental Analysis of Radiation dose Distribution in Radiosurgery, Part II: Dose Fall-off outside Target Volume
Massager N., Maris O., Devriendt D., Saimon I., Levivier M.
stereotact. Funct. Neurosurg. 2009; 87: 137-142.


Lateral positioning technique for the treatment of far-lateral targets with Leksell Gamma Knife®: technique and application
Massager N, Régis J, Porcheron D, Devriendt D, Desmedt F, Levivier M.
Neurosurgery 2002; 51 (6): pp 1512-1519.

The use of Leksell Gamma Knife® C with Automatic Positioning System (APS®) for the treatment of meningiomas and vestibular schwannomas
Levivier M, Lorenzoni J, Massager N, Ruiz S, Devriendt D, Brotchi J.
Neurosurg Focus 2003; 14 (5): article 8.

Measurements of Extracranial Doses in Patients treated with Leksell Gamma Knife C
Desmedt F, Vanderlinden B, Simon S, Paesmans M, Devriendt D, Massager N, Ruiz S, Lorenzoni J, Van Houtte P, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
Radiosurgery 2004 (Vol. 5), Editor : Kondziolka D. (Pittsburgh, Pa), pages 197-212.

Clinical evaluation of targeting accuracy of gamma knife radiosurgery in trigeminal neuralgia.
Massager N, Abeloos L, Devriendt D, Op de Beeck M, Levivier M.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Dec 1;69(5):1514-20. Epub 2007 Aug 8.

Five-fraction Gamma Knife radiosurgery using the Extend Relecatable system for benign neoplasms close to optic pathways.
Devriendt D, De smedt F, Glineur R, Massager N.
Pract Radiat Oncol. 2015 May-Jun; 5 (3), e119-e125.

Intérêt du guidage par PET-scan en radioneurochirurgie stéréotaxique par Gamma Knife
Massager N.
Bull Mem Acad R Med Belg 2002; 157 (7-9): pp 355-362; discussion 363-369.

Integration of the metabolic data of positron emission tomography in the dosimetry planning of radiosurgery with the gamma knife: early experience with brain tumors
Levivier M, Wikler D, Goldman S, David P, Metens T, Massager N, Gerosa M, Devriendt D, Desmedt F, Simon S, Van Houtte P, Brotchi J.
J Neurosurg 2000; 93 (Suppl 3): pp 233-238.

Positron Emission Tomography-Guided Radiosurgery: Early Experience with the Integration of Metabolic Data in the Dosimetry Planning with the Leksell Gamma Knife
Levivier M, Wikler D, Goldman S, Massager N, David P, Devriendt D, Brotchi J.
Radiosurgery 2002 (Vol. 4), Editor : Kondziolka D. (Pittsburgh, Pa), pages 123-133.

Clinical validation methodology for the use of frameless PET in Leksell Gamma Knife Radiosurgery
Wikler D, Sadeghi N, Goldman S, Massager N, Levivier M.
Radiosurgery 2004 (Vol. 5), Editor : Kondziolka D. (Pittsburgh, Pa), pages 247-254.

Use of Stereotactic PET Images in Dosimetry Planning of Radiosurgery for Brain Tumors: Clinical Experience and Proposed Classification
Levivier M, Massager N, Wikler D, Lorenzoni J, Ruiz S, Devriendt D, David P, Desmedt F, Simon S, Van Houtte P, Brotchi J, Goldman S.
J Nucl Med. 2004 Jul; 45(7): pp 1146-1154.

The integration of metabolic imaging in stereotactic procedures including radiosurgery: a review
Levivier M, Wikler D, Massager N, David P, Devriendt D, Lorenzoni J, Pirotte B, Desmedt F, Simon S, Goldman S, Van Houtte P, Brotchi J.
J Neurosurg 2002; 97 (Suppl 5): pp 542-550.

Schwannomes vestibulaires

Use of Leksell Gamma Knife® C with Automatic Positioning System (APS®) for the treatment of meningiomas and vestibular schwannomas
Levivier M, Lorenzoni J, Massager N, Ruiz S, Devriendt D, Brotchi J.
Neurosurg Focus 2003; 14 (5): article 8.

Preservation of hearing in vestibular schwannomas treated by radiosurgery using Leksell Gamma Knife: preliminary report of a prospective Belgian clinical study
Delbrouck C, Hassid S, Massager N, Choufani G, David P, Devriendt D, Levivier M.
Acta Oto-rhino-laryngologica belg 2003; 57: pp 197-204.

Evaluation in vivo de la réponse du tissu tumoral à la radiochirurgie. Application aux schwannomes vestibulaires.
Levivier M., Massager N., David P.
Neurochirurgie, 2004 :50 : 320-326.

Role of intracanalicular volumetric and dosimetric parameters on hearing preservation after vestibular schwannoma radiosurgery
Massager N, Nissim O, Delbrouck C, Devriendt D, David P, Desmedt F, Wikler D, Hassid S, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006; 64: 1331-40.

Irradiation of cochlear structures during vestibular schwannoma radiosurgery and associated hearing outcome
Massager N, Nissim O, Delbrouck C, Delpierre I, Devriendt D, Desmedt F, Wikler D, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
J Neurosurg 2007 (in press).
Malformations artério-veineuses

Gamma Knife radiosurgery for brainstem arteriovenous malformations: preliminary results
Nicolas Massager, M.D., Jean Régis, M.D., Douglas Kondziolka, M.D., Théodore Njee, M.D., and Marc Levivier, M.D., Ph.D.
J Neurosurg 2000; 93 (Suppl 3): pp 102-103.

Use of Leksell Gamma Knife® C with Automatic Positioning System (APS®) for the treatment of meningiomas and vestibular schwannomas
Levivier M, Lorenzoni J, Massager N, Ruiz S, Devriendt D, Brotchi J.
Neurosurg Focus 2003; 14 (5): article 8.

Internal carotid occlusion following Gamma Knife radiosurgery for cavernous sinus meningioma: case report.
Abeloos L, Levivier M, Devriendt D, Massager N.
Stereotact Funct Neurosurg 2007.

Metabolic Course of Low-Grade Gliomas after Gamma Knife Radiosurgery evaluated by PET-scan with Methionine
Massager N, Tang T, Goldman S, Wikler D, Ruiz S, Devriendt D, Lorenzoni J, David P, Van Houtte P, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
Radiosurgery 2004 (Vol. 5), Editor : Kondziolka D. (Pittsburgh, Pa), pages 143-152.

Radiosurgery for treatment of brain metastases: estimation of patient eligibility using three stratification systems
Lorenzoni J, Devriendt D, Massager N, David P, Ruiz S, Vanderlinden B, Van Houtte P, Brotchi J, Levivier M. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 Sep 1; 60(1): 218-2
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2004 Sep 1; 60(1): 218-2

Névralgie du trijumeau

Stereotactic radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia – Comment. Neurosurgery
Massager N., Levivier M.
2003: 53: 829-830.

Linear Accelerator Radiosurgery Using 90 Gray for Essential Trigeminal Neuralgia: Results and Dose Volume Histogram Analysis
Massager N, Levivier M.
Neurosurgery 2003; 53 (4): pp 829-830.

Gamma Knife Radiosurgery for idiopathic Trigeminal Neuralgia performed using a far-anterior cisternal target and a high dose of radiation
Massager N, Lorenzoni J, Devriendt D, Desmedt F, Brotchi J, Levivier M.
J Neurosurg 2004; 100 (4): pp 597-605.

Effect of beam channel plugging on the outcome of Gamma Knife radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia
Massager N, Nissim O, Murata N, Devriendt D, Desmedt F, Vanderlinden B, Régis J, Levivier M.
Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2006; 65: 1200-1205.

Influence of nerve radiation dose in the incidence of trigeminal dysfunction after trigeminal neuralgia radiosurgery
Massager N, Murata N, Tamura M, Devriendt D, Levivier M, Régis J.
Neurosurgery 2007; 60(4): 681-688.

Radiosurgery for trigeminal neuralgia
Massager N, Lorenzoni J, Devriendt D, Levivier M.
Prog Neurol Surg 2007; 20: 235-243.

Pathological Findings following Trigeminal Neuralgia Radiosurgery
Szeifert GT, Salmon I, Lorenzoni J, Massager N, Levivier M.
Prog Neurol Surg 2007 ; 20: 244-248.

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